1. Keep away from dust particlesIt is advisable to clean your laptop frequently with a soft cloth to remove dust particles. Avoid chemicals or acids and utilize a small blower for its cleaning. Always keep your laptop properly covered during idle hours.
2. Keep away from liquid and foodAvoid eating food near your laptop, because a food particle can damage the keyboard function, causing distressing situation. Also the liquids can make a short circuit which can destroy your laptop.
3. Keep away from abnormal temperature and weatherTake care to protect laptop from direct sunlight or inclement weather. use in kitchen. Keep it covered in a bag when carrying to another place. Do not use in kitchen or near any magnetic field such as microwave oven which can damage the hard disk.
4. Keep a track on manufacturer’s manual or websiteFollow the manufacturer’s guide or their official website to update all important drivers and find all the details of troubleshooting etc. Examine the warranty period and save all the necessary documents for repair or replacement in case the laptop displays any defect.
5. Defrag the hard diskYour laptop will run more efficiently if you eliminate or minimize the undesired space. It is advised to do that at least once in a month and in Windows XP, you can have the defragmenter tool in the below path: START-> All Programs-> Accessories-> System Tools-> Disk Defragmenter.
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