Friday, January 18, 2013

love responses- don;t lose hope

there are lot  of time people advise you to quiet your relations mostly as for husband-wife
live in-fiance  -girl friend -boy friend when you are going them with your issues most of the time but i say
no to breaking

breaking  is not bad ts good tahn dying but there
is one thing called willingness if you don;t want to break up for kids of  family for parents for raltives  for neihbour cow goat etc please do habe a break u p i say

coz that all exclusive excuses
yes excuses and if you are really willing to get your partner back because u think u cannot let him go please follow these simple step

have an immediet check on his habits what changed him which you are not liking at all
reason for the  change -friends/busness/over work /workloads/bankloans /relatives
any arugments is not for resloving purpose some are just out burst so no sorrys required at all any side
quite on things you know might start an augruments -don;t take remote from him/her
dinners are old but really working solutions for all fights and gifts are necessary what ever age and type of relation your are in

mostly important if  you klove him/she will come back coz love cannot be expressed only it comes naturally and the person may not like it but will know on his own if u even feel an inch of what he feels for you be it love or hate


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