hiting gg back the person who trouble you is much better than hittg a gym i heard some where is it so may be never tried wanna try noooooooooooooooo thank you . it doesn't sound safe though may be it will help ppl who r strong enough financially or physically me putg up fights is the last thing on earth wanna do but then as sme studies show its bad to keep urself to urself wht is the best thing to do hmmmmmmmmm i guess stop thinking for some time n react yaa every action has equal and opposite reaction remember ur school day so i say don;t hit don;t keep quite but don;t stop ur reaction it might be a screaming aurgumnet . or just messing up or breaking things crying ,shivering ,laughing anything is gud really u have to try this out coz when u stop reacting to things u become a non livingthing :)
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