what is oppurtunity i guess for many ppl its the time to prove what they can do with themself how big or small succes or fauiler really does all these things really mean true to you????????? for me its just a word a big word who;s spellg is sometimes i m not gud with ,i never made anything out of any time oppurtunity was there but it didn;t made me any small or big its nothg such as oppurtunity its all about time its time gud and bad ands thats the true u can prepare urself for anythg and everythg but when gud times come u have enoumorous oppurtunities to select from and when ur time is bad time nothg in the whole world help u n ur best friend is on vacation .
no one to speak to toooo .so don;t waste ur time for oppurtunity to cme n knock u do knock urself everywhere and everyone who u think is working in favour of you and only wait for the gud time to strike the right chord in you it make you there where u always wanted to be ............... so never ever think u lost somthg when ur upset specailly oppurtunity ? did i spell it right this time i hope:)wh
no one to speak to toooo .so don;t waste ur time for oppurtunity to cme n knock u do knock urself everywhere and everyone who u think is working in favour of you and only wait for the gud time to strike the right chord in you it make you there where u always wanted to be ............... so never ever think u lost somthg when ur upset specailly oppurtunity ? did i spell it right this time i hope:)wh
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