Wednesday, March 6, 2013


When ever I go to Hyderabad I totally stop blogging

Reasons vary sometime its no light their sometimes ,so many people are their that you don’t need to even open your PC and TV its full on entertainments.
Some one got married party some one had baby -party some one died some ………………me busy with .exams of my niece .
And list goes on anyways I am very happy when I m here its OK with Dubai also its work mostly their but have some great friends their love be with them
I see how the city has moved on from the blast case now is so busy with cricket and tickets good to know people are back to normal and life goes on you like it or no with you or without you.

And den this exams for kids also going on I want to give help too so here are my tips for exams

  • Please attend your tuition classes extra classes go to teachers house if required and beg her to teach .

  • Group study is only good if you don’t have a chit chatter friends

  • Some kids are morning birds some are night check which time your brain works more and study well. know your self

  • When you are writing your paper set 10 minutes’ extra for rechecking and also count the paper before attaching may be some will miss –sometimes bad luck

  • Don’t listen to anybody when they say last minute advises better always go with your instinct on what can come and what can be left

  • Write a song or story but never leave a question (you never know who is correcting your paper and what mood)
  • Think positive all the time all the time and focus on what ever you are studying
  • For s.s.t and sciences specially only the correct answer , matters(as in equation/number/dates/names/etc)no need waste your time with spellings be accurate to the point

  • Math you need to know your formulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas only

  • English /Hindi –or any -never mind no one can fail you in that and no one can get 100 /100 in language OK

  • What else these are basic things match your self confidence and good luck and love of your family to it .don’t think of that after party guys .

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