Monday, March 4, 2013

what;s your four letter word

My friends is getting married and she doesn’t look very good but his fiancé does look very nice. Hence many of my friends who are like models wonder, when their so called boy friends will do the ring thing, but I know they will not reason………if you are looking for love -looks are the last thing you should check on .if you are looking for looks then you are looking for that another four letter words f…….k.(galti see mistake hogaya)

There are two four letter words which you should never get confused with the thing is that we always do .

It might sound very weird people, but yes love and fuck are two different territories which might look same but are not when you see example malika sherawat you of cores know which four letter you are looking at and when you look at some small kids folded in her parents arm you know what feeling is it correct ……………

Then why does It mixes up when it’s the same relation about your wife or girl friend or fiancee or lover –you might start at liking then you go for puppy love then may be love or fuck is a big question ????????????

Cause I understand human nature wanna explore and if its only about exploring its not love .

And if you can call the same person at 3 in night and tell him about your close pals misbehaving or problems still its not love its call vulnerable ……….

And its dangerous having an attitude which says depended is no love

And remember you like it or not our body is a machine like machine its have its own mechanical needs so some times it goes on fuck button on its own nothing to do with your feeling or liking it depends on availability

So when you can understand the difference between love and fuck you approach for marriage.

Or else please do not spoil your life and others because we Indians on majority get married once only and have to be loyal too .phewwwwwwwwww so much to remember hm. better be single no need love .

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