Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We had open house for children at school and we were very surprised to see how much long queue people were standing for the purpose of paying fees and getting school dresses and book, and then their were this punee- check things and doing it fast for some incoming of fast bucks ?in school you ask? I say yes in school for doing the process fast.its so difficult from admissions -to the graduation its along path to go for parents.

I found myself waiting patiently in the queue for ½ hour in my lunch break it was very frustration and so were other parents too.

We went up to the desk help and asked them why you don’t have online payments it would be so convenient like that but who cares

And then I realized how difficult is this education system getting why is it such a complex affair and why is it now the most flourishing business,where are the school which taught morals and disciple ,now its only subjects they teach .

why don’t government do to simplify this very long process short if we, well –off people are some much pissed off why you think people from lower income wants this kind of mess even it mean may may be mind you may be a good life for their kids .GOVERNMENT -TATS A JOKE

With this kind of society and government In and people, whose blood only Is corruption

Why do we have to even force kids -huse help or labors to make them make their kids study really ,the more they are sharp the more they know how cruel the world is as soon as possible better for them. IF WE ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH SCHOOL?WHAT ARE OUR RIGHTS AGAINST THE SCHOOLS

Really do I sound nasty no I sound practical next time before giving lecture to your house help or the driver about their kids schooling or education.

just once check them how much they have to shed from their pocket time and energy for this kind of school gimmicks and when was the last time you were in queue for your kids school anyways .

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