Friday, March 29, 2013


SORRY- is a very old word who made it, who invented, it how it came what it genre which language actually It belongs is a very hard thing to find out but- it’s a very old word with every time it is spoken it’s always a new version yes

EVERY time you have to see the best part of it when someone who really means to you and have gone far for the reason of your or his mistakes says sorry and returns it all you want to hear or say or mean when any of your close Person are off because of some misunderstanding or reasons .

But how can we different it sometime we don’t know and the simplest reason is here,how much his mistakes would have costed you ,if you really want him/her back .then only sorry works .

We wait for someone we want top come back for a sorry and son;t for some one we don’t want o come back to our life you will see enormous examples of this when a n employees takes a sorry from some of your colleague and not from other colleague in different of their mistakes

I give example of boss coz it mean a person who has power at that time to take that sorry at that time.

But many a times sorry depends on the person who tells it

It might be tells it or yells it or mean it

Mean it means –mean it –mostly in relation ships –from the heart seen through the eyes –it sometimes don’t even need the words , you feel it ,

So now when I told you so many things about SORRY ,go their out and tell it to who you want back with your life and mean It-or take sorry of someone who you want back in your life ,mind you he/she will not be telling that whole of his/her life .

Or just forget about it ,for the sorry article 

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