Thursday, March 28, 2013


I read this news in hyderabad -deccan
about one of this brave driver who should get recognised i guess he had saved life if many when a Volvo tourist bus  was about to get hijacked and looted and the driver single handled fought 15 youths and made the bus run in the highest of speed while the maharastrian gang of loots followed him and tried to loot  the bus of tourists in it-details are hear
 road -robbers incident

what specially wanna mention about this news is it should be more highlighted  and as rape cases-and other news which are crime bases made popular by the media - say its the yellow media (dirty)

i would surely wanna meet and do  something good for this great hearted and brave bus driver s both of them ,risked their life and by doing such we will encourage good people as we give hog light to ,most of the time criminals .

i would really request the A.P government to give these brave people some good help and monetary back up just not wait of the replica day for the bravery usuall

bravo- Bus driver Muhammad Sardar, 43,other driver P. Srinivas Raju, 30 you made Hyderabad(A.P) name shine during the dark times of India tourism and safety of tourists.

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