Wednesday, March 13, 2013


When I heard this news that Google made shoes that do talk I was so very happily surprised so we see we have not stopped inventions when I was very young I wanted to be a scientist sometimes lot of things I wanted to actual - that s a different topic we will talk later but I guess t s high time after same phone 's and PC wE needed something that can be unique and useful on same time so u guess I thought "what shall be made".

Hmmmmmmmm yes thinking and giving idea is also a big task man what you though t

So when my boss shouted at me recently for tying something wrong ( I work too may be you guy s fdon;t know at a place called office ??????) type faster my notes lady I was like

I wish rather than shoes they should make a software like word and excel which can be heard and type on it s own

Yes wonderful naa we will not require to break our  hands typing and so many typing syndromes’ and problems will vanish so I want google or Microsoft any of them make a script-gadget which I will talk blah blah blah and it types on its own and if something is their already like this please let me k now coz writing is like eating and farting for me and other than work my hands are like –safe us from this net savvy person sooooo how

this head is not required though but i say you lisen n type for me thxs :)

Wow wonderful will it be or not we have so many things to improve and still we stick to get our phone and TV slim slimmer slimes--enough - grow up guys make something useful and needed very badly says who????????me

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