Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Saw this movie or tele series you can see in you tube –gullu dada 3gulu dada 3 -tele series(its a Hyderabad comedy drama available in you tube-about a dada(social services-good at heart –full of comedy

And I must say it’s a very good attempt what so ever people say ,We Hyderabadies are tight lipped about it but yes we can make good movies with lots of fun in it OK its sounds very funny never mind our language is very sweet and hence some times it looks-heard -funny to hear but we are not complain about it we are very happy about it .

And back to movie this is the3 rd series if gullu dada and of cores its very good

Thought- my general understanding is that after angerz (Hyderabadi movie) nothing came up to that mark but yes I must say this is a very decent effort to make a movie .

Though I don’t understand why at times we have this attitude of dragging people down of our own community we should be proud of them instead.

Why do we complain?

Any ways people around the world make fun of our talking style so why not our people do something innovative out if that such bother us .

I personally am OK with the good and bad of the movies at least it had some good values also to add upon we are not regional cinema also but still must say after angrez have got a hold of viewers who are interested in watching (G.c.c countries and lot of NR Is love such movies from Hyderabad not only community but many neighborring states love it.......... )

I must say gulu dada is little stretch and story is normal but hats off It works for me .and what work for me is featured in my blog so welcome gulu dada Hyderabad is proud of your hat rick .

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