Sunday, January 27, 2013


Have been trying to handle my two little very naughty all the time having things there own way they are the world to me and since they know how to take work from me I am very sure till now I should have figured out how to take work from them

But surprise surprise I still don’t know how to take work from them have tried everything from bribing them for chocolates’ to take them out for rides dinner but mind you

They are being such a mess never are they ok with doing as I say so what I did

I scared them yes it still helps may be it’s a very old fashioned idea but it still work

Kids get scared and that’s why they are called kids yaa thought it was not about some bed time ghost it was about taking away their TV time and I guess it really worked I was soooooooooooooooooo surprised when I told them about the whole idea that If they don’t behave and do good with there studies I will not let them watch TV for more than15 minutes take you what their room was clean homework was done lunch was finished on time and yes they even helped me out and had some great family time out of the game boxes

Its it wonderful scaring is not such a bad thing after all you can scarce them later for pocket money/ cars /anything

This might not sound parental help but surely some of you will be grateful to me

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