Monday, December 9, 2013


Many of the old Indian traditions are taboo usually for ladies but at time you will feel many of them also make sense.
Specially It make sense to me at  time when people say special care for ladies after delivery or may be in the days of pregnancy or let’s say the monthly (periods)-many culture give off from house chores and prayers in these days ,it’s just a way to say rest more.

Many might not agree coz they have been fed on this western culture clutter but I do many of the Asian and Indian customs have special details for days in month for ladies when they have their menses e
So where is this going like when my female frnds, have serious issues with their health and go to bosses and ask for the day off he says is this for every month   very abruptly but yes it’s for sure for every month many of the ladies may be or may not be a part and parcel of the humiliation but the truth remain the same days for monthly need not be a bed rest days but rest is required .many have cramps and headaches and weakness mood swings.WHT HEALTH HAZARDS CAN LOSS OF IRON CAUSE

And to be more specific   -have heard of many doctors who say that the iron deficiency I s mostly found in ladies coz they don’t kind of take care of their health at times of their monthly periods and loss of iron which is not a one-time thing but occurs every month leads to a major issue for lack or deficiency of iron .which they don; t tend to  get back on the iron loss with food or medis.

May be little rest and good food the correct time can help out many from major  health issues rather than not complaining about it or not taking care for your monthly- pooping up a multi-vit will do is I suggest my friend’s and if you are male reading this help your spouse suggest the same.

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