Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ramadan makes you -great great

i saw this news article in which a multi millioner came down of his high status burj khalifa(Dubai)stay and lives with comman laborers for a month woolly-

 what a great thing he had done to see how they feel being under privilege and how he can really help them great great great  the whole news article comments said

same on contrary when Muslims have fast for the whole month of Ramadan which is a compulsory for Muslims all over r the world and experience the fasting whole day leave the world to adjust with the drought and food drought and water drought (think how much burden would be less on mother earth and how much fruits will be in sale- which will not happen in day to day life )

no one say the great great thing for them /Muslims or their religion-Islam or for their god -Allah really how non-Muslims can out a blind eye on the good things Muslims as religion do and how halla bulla they can make of some Muslims who are misguided or are bad people -hello Muslims are also humans they can do ,mistake s they can be good and bad but no who agrees on them

so back to Ramadan
when UN for food scarity said eat cockroaches to save food or get rid of hunger no one though that this one month break from Muslim community for the sparing of half day without food and water can be implied on all irrespective of religion noooooo

and what about feeling how underprivileged do/yes we know it all the time and we are compulsry to give charity too-WHO ELSE IS

so can we please have a great great Muslims kind of kind words too hear please .

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