Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The secret of  water is very old and we are not knowing where it came from and how a person can still live with out food and not at all with out water.

what is the secrets that many a time diet consist of water counting help some people very often and some not.
though i m not expert,  i will share with you what i know because after you are my readers and takes the pains to come online for me at time.

so here we go water have got lot of important components- in which most important is sodium the magic of sodium is that its a kind of salt diluted form in water ,All the leading brands let talk in u.a.e have sodium high content thought its not bad at all ,its not good if you are looking for weight loss because  this sodium will hold the water in your body for long and will not flush it out  when the whole concept of water weight loss is that water should bring excess water and toxins out so it will not help in weight loss.

you will be surprised even many a doctors suggest low sodium water to new born babies milk making process as its more healthier .

so now that we know what good for us why not take little pains to check the water content before buying ,just in case ,you are paying for the water ,why not have something more more healthy than usual .one small tip arwa water in Dubai is low sodium water if you care .

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