Saturday, February 22, 2014


1. Use your Observation Skills
A good way to build your attention span and improve your memory is to play a “picture game”.  Study a picture for a minute or so.  Then, look away and try to remember as much of the picture as you can.  Visualise and place objects in the image of your mind.  With regular practice, your attention span and power of recall will improve.

2. Read/Study  More
Believe it or not, reading is one of the best ways to improve your attention span.  If you are reading an interesting novel, you often find that you can read for hours without really noticing what is going around you.  Reading for such an extended period of time helps to improve your attention span for other things that require an extended period of focus.
3. Limit the TV/Internet
TV is one of the worst offenders when it comes to distraction, with the constant commercial breaks, and the ease of changing channels to something else.  If you do want to watch TV, limit the amount of time you spend doing so.  Otherwise, consider recording the program or hiring movies, so that you can watch TV without the interruptions.

4. Eat the Nutritious Foods
Low blood sugar levels can affect the speed at which people process information and also shortens attention span.  After the overnight fast that occurs when you sleep, it is important to eat a breakfast rich in carbohydrates and protein.  The sugars will quickly sharpen your mind while complex carbohydrates and protein will sustain energy so that you can think well for extended periods.  Along the same vein, never skip a meal as this will cause low blood sugar, in turn causing you to reach for a sugary fix, which will then be quickly digested, causing low blood sugar once again and creating a cycle.

A diet that is low in or free from artificial colourings, sweeteners, and preservatives may cause dramatic improvements in attention span.  Also ensure that your diet is adequate in vitamins and minerals.  For example, a magnesium deficiency can lead to fidgeting, anxious restlessness, and learning difficulties.  B complex vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and zinc are all linked to the maintenance of a healthy attention span.
5. MeditateDaily/Sleep well

Research has shown that meditation can be even more effective than sleep in improving attention span.  The form of meditation is really simple – just focus on an image or sound or on your own breathing.  The theory is that meditating may restore synapses without the initial grogginess associated with sleep.

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