what are signs how do we get it where do we get it from are very common quesstion we don;t ask our self but at a large the actual reason is we don;twant to ask for good or bad or wht ever reasong u might say but we try to neglect the signs god gives us to show the right path only to fall on hands of a bad or very bad dream or situstaion in the end such is the truth we run away from that we try not understand u don;t belive me for example when ur going to propse ur soooooo long love just abt from nowhere it starts raing or may b your car breaks down or may be u lost the ring you bought for her just to realise after some years that she was not made for u u struggle in the before act running here n there with the umberal to avaoid rain and working hard towards'ur broken car ...............................................may be it was the sigh which wanted u ti say buzzzzzzzzz of man she is not the one i made for you but u would never lisen as u say when the tough gets going the going gets tough or something like that phewwwwwwwwwwwwww but no signals god thank you
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