Monday, January 28, 2013


What are kids for you - your heart –soul your life your fancy doll or your entire youth eating machine ???????????????

Many people consider their children many forms some think they are just more hand which will earn for them in future or may be their last moments help or just what they are earning or living for .

But suddenly you might thing why am i asking such questions one of my friend is back to work from delivery her baby is just 4 months hardly

we work 9-6pm 6 days a week which don’t leave her ,much of the time with kid not even her husband can give the baby time so they send her babysits (nanny kind )

Its not that she is sole bread earner but helping her husband by this job

Now the question is why do you care to have a baby when you cannot give 3 yrs of your whole life its only about 3 yrs or may be 1year at least does that baby don’t even mean your 1 year salary to you.

And she says I m doing it for the baby future

Lets not go to it coz for me it really doesn’t make sense ?????????? Really

Nowadays kids are nothing but fancy or proud for such couple and for some simply peer pressure from parent’s n in laws.

I am not preaching anybody

but if u cannot even give a year out of your life to your own blood

Why do you think baby sittting or nanny or anyone else take care of it? for money –and you thinks its fair n safe .

Better you get a dog he will serve and guard your house too .

Kids are blessing of god but nowadays ,money is blessing from any ways no issues and we run round n round for it .its good for us we are selfish –admit it -so next time you hear some one telling you I m leaving my 4mnths old in babysitting to make his/her future please do slap them on my behalf . do I sound harsh .yes truth is harsh and so is life.

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