Saturday, February 2, 2013


Why salman khan is not getting married because he says if he goes to jail he doesn’t want his wife to suffer ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how caring ?????????????

Caring for a wife which does not exists also
in the show biz where is a dog eat dog world situation how such a saint survives what ever his previous issues might be the cases around but he really seems to be a nice person.

And now coz he is such a nice person I took time and thought about him and after lot of research now trying to help him understand how and why he should get married

1. because all your loving parents and family and brother n in laws n sisters n in laws and dog and security guard no one is going to take your blood line or your own khan Dan move forward other than your own breed your son or daughter. happens in normal world also so nothing to be ashamed off to say- parents don’t let their bread earner soleson/daughter – mind you sole to get married early,only after fulfilling all their wishes and family responsibilities’.
it goes same for you as their wished are more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee money and more money and as world know s you are sole bread earner in really means wait to get married till even sohails son gets settle I think .

3.get married coz like the nach baliye hero rahul mahajan 1st wife got hi out on jail on the pretext of honey moon blah blah sympathy you too will get good chances

4. everyone lives alone and dies alone but your hard earned money should go to your wife and children which you don’t have what are you working for really.

Lastly and not least thank me I think of you and even dare to put it on my page people who think of others are rare like you so make most of the advice like it or not.

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