Thursday, January 31, 2013


I was just checking out this video on youtube and came across this all halla huppa done video about the asadaduin owais and I was really shocked to see the video which said a lot of things bad about other Hindu religion and ram

Its very clearly mentioned in Quran to not to insult other religions coz they might do the said one day for you.(as If they are not doing they are already )
Thats another story that Muslims and Islam is a soft and favored target foe everyone to blow on and about
Problem with Muslims is where ever country it might be they are all muhajirines (YOU DON’T BELIVE CHECK YOU HISTORY BABA)
they are the not right owner of that country hence on G.C.C & K.S.A some countries leaving other all .
Places Muslims are migrants so how many year be it don’t ask for equality really this is human nature normal rule what so ever
So now if you actually stand In India who is originally of Hindu country how much can you shout it doesn’t change the thing that its not your country what ever may be the history.
But the fact remains if we are so much in quantity we are very less in quality as a very famous saying goes Islam is the best religions and Muslims’ are the worst followers
Hence coz we in quantity only and Don’t hve quality like Gujarat’s unity or malyalis (KERALITIES) unity
For example we don’t have unity so we don’t exist actually it’s the very same problem everywhere every time .
You see the video and decide if a person is talking for certain state agenda how and why is he talking about a whole religion and Islam and degrading other religion for the purpose.

And if he is really correct how many Muslims from his state is supporting him so do you get me ????????????????

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