1.Conscious Awareness
Our Ego often hides
things from our conscious awareness in order to protect itself. To benefit from
your endeavors in personal growth, part of who you are (or who you think you
are) has to die. This is exactly what the ego fights.
The ego likes to stay
out of the limelight and pretend it is actually you. All your fears and
insecurities come from the ego, not from your true self. By causing you to fear
change, the ego protects itself and keeps you in a ‘comfort zone’ of
familiarity. Preventing your personal growth makes your ego more secure, but to
you, this type of security is destructive, because when we are not growing, we
are dying.
2.Learning to Predict the
Because ‘how we do one
thing is how we do everything’, you need only look at what you’re doing now in
some major aspect of your life, in order to know how you are likely to apply
yourself to other tasks and to the creation of your dreams. Then you can begin
to pinpoint ways to develop your character and change your behavior to achieve
better results.
When it comes to making
change in your life it is beneficial to have some level of understanding about
how you got to the point where you are now, and what made you the person you
are today.
3.Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
While the past can be a
wonderful teacher if we are prepared to learn its lessons and then move on, it
is just as important to develop a very clear picture of what it is you want to
create instead of what you have now. This new level of clarity will allow you
to focus your attention and energy in a particular direction, and then begin to
move forward toward the conscious creation of a new, desired situation.
What we give our
attention to, we give our energy to. So keep your attention directed toward what
you really want, in order to continue to use your power for the creation
of your dreams
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