Sunday, March 30, 2014


yo yo honey signh the rapper  is the best of the present music industry though lot of people would not agree with this for me his songs are very soothing - yes soothing they might be very weird with the lyrics but yes the music and the punch lines are best of the rest some of the break-up party  and other have the grove sow whats with new song for the movie bhootnath of course the big b but better than that is the music of the vide which is so catch g and the video shoot in certain style of back street boys is also very likable

i was even very impressed with the char bottle vodka how it took the pitch coz everyone though it was a lame song at first but it really took a grip on all the clubs for sometime now ,AMAZINGLY THE KING KNOWS HIS BEATS .

yo yo honey sigh is the new king of the rap and any song for the matte of fact from movies to songs to anything which is humble he is rocking .

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