Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Dating is not as easy and exciting as it sounds. One has to watch out for many little gestures, especially on a first date, so as not to put off your partner. This first impression might go a long way in your relationship.

Here are the ‘Top 10 First Date Mistakes’ which you need to avoid.


Turning up late is, unsurprisingly, a massive turn-off. But some people also manage to offend when it comes to leaving, by simply bolting while their date is at the bar or in the loo. Or even doing a runner the second they set eyes on their prospective partner. Chance of a second date? About a million to one.

Past Relationships

Never, ever mention the ex on a first date. Why? Because it shows you still haven’t quite got over him/her, are still obsessed with the past, and that you’re also quite possibly a stalker who just can’t let go.


We all feel the need for a bit of Dutch courage, but there’s a fine line between a couple of sharpeners, and getting so hammered you don’t even remember your own name, let alone your date’s.


Carried away in the heat of the moment, it’s often too easy to go back ‘for a coffee’ after what seems like a successful date. But don’t. You’ll just come across as easy.

Who Pays

We’re all feeling the pinch, so it’s not really fair to expect your date to foot the bill. These days, it’s more polite to offer to pay your share, rather than making an excuse to leave the table the minute your date makes that funny ’signing the air’ gesture.


Lies have a weird way of being found out – so if you lie about your age, your job, the fact that you still live with your parents, or whether you’re actually already in a relationship, you’d better make quite sure you don’t want to see the person again – or that they’ll never find the truth out on Facebook.

Remembering Names

It’s always a good idea to try and remember who you’re actually meeting up with, otherwise you’ll come across either like the kind of person who dates so many people they can’t keep track, or has the attention span of a goldfish. Neither of which makes a good impression.

Three is not  compoany


While some people really dig the idea of a threesome, bringing a mate, or even your mum, on your date will mark you out as a strange saddo who can’t even go to the loo on your own.


A spirited, healthy debate about world issues is no bad thing on a first date; an insult-slinging, punch-throwing argument is not.

Phone Ethics

The whole point of a date is to give your partner your undivided attention and, hopefully, get theirs in return. It is not to text your mates, find out the footie results, speak to your long-lost Aunt Margaret or even set up another date with someone else. Being glued to your phone all night is Just. Plain. Rude.

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