So you’ve had a good night’s rest and wake up at the crack of dawn. But a crick in your back makes you slump back in bed. You wonder if you got up the wrong way or if it’s a stiff back. Sounds familiar? Well, here are some tips to start your day without hurting your back:
Getting out of bed: Most people either wake up in a tearing hurry or sit on the edge for a couple of minutes before getting out — both these actions can strain your spine. Instead, lie on your back with legs outstretched. Bend your knees and turn to one side, push yourself up with your arms and ease your legs down on the side so they touch the floor.
The toilet: Not all houses that boast of a Western WC, can claim that it has been installed at a comfortable height! The result? You go down too low or put pressure on your knees as you get up. Get an elevated seat cushion or take the support of the wall or the sink counter as you use the toilet, as the weight distributed to your arms will reduce the pressure on your spine! Reading newspapers/ books in the WC can hurt your back.
Similarly, a sink placed lower than your waist is bad for your back. Place your arm on the counter to take the pressure off your back.
Wearing shoes: Most people bend over as they wear their shoes, especially men. Avoid this and instead, bring your feet up or place them on a little stool to wear shoes. Women who wear heels to work, can wear flats from home and change into high heeled shoes at office.
Take care of your back and it will take care of you for life!
The writer is a spine care specialist at Dr Vijay Sarvotham’s Spine Care
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