Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Banta: How is a pussy like a warm toilet seat?Santa: They both feel good, but you can't help wondering who was there before you...

Banta: What's the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?Santa: A guy will actually search for a golf ball.

Santa: Why did you run away from that naked lady?Pappu: Mom says, 'If U look at her U'll become a stone; and a part of mine was already getting hard.

Facebook would be much more interesting if they let you decide which part of the body you wanna Poke.

Banta: What do you call a mule in the river, a chicken in a freezer, and a cat eating cream?Santa: A wet ass, hard cock,and satisfied pussy!!

Innocent boy: Mom, why is my cousin's name Jasmine?Mom: Bcoz ur aunt loves flowers.Boy: Mom, what do you love?Mom: Dicky, stop asking me such stupid questions!

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