Thursday, July 31, 2014


1.It's not fair."
She got a raise, you didn't. He was recognized, you weren't. That department is receiving funding, yours isn't. "Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day," she says. "Successful people are proactive about issues versus reactive. Instead of complaining or whining, take action: document the facts, build a case, and present an intelligent argument to the person or group that can help you."

2."He's a jerk," or, "She's lazy," or, "My job stinks," or, "I hate this company."
Successful people avoid words of judgment, insult, and negativity, says Price.
"Regardless of your feelings or the circumstances, avoid making unconstructive or judgmental statements that convey a negative attitude toward people or your job." If a genuine complaint or issue needs to be brought to someone's attention, do so with well-documented facts, tact, consideration, and neutrality.
"Nothing tanks a career faster than name-calling or mudslinging," she says. "Not only does it reveal juvenile immaturity, it's language that may be libel and fire-able." Successful people choose words carefully to state observable facts and avoid disparaging language.
3."That's not my job," or, "I don't get paid enough for this," or, "That's not my problem."
Successful people help others succeed.
As billionaire Warren Buffett says, "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
"Think of 'planting trees' as your job," Price says. "If you're asked to do something by your boss, coworker, or a customer, it's because it's important to them. Therefore, as a team player, goal No. 1 is to figure out how to help them get it accomplished." Even if it's not in your job description, by saying so displays a career-limiting bad attitude. Even if your boss lays an unreasonable request on your desk, reply positively by saying, "Sure, I'll be glad to help you accomplish that. Given my current tasks of A, B, and C, which one of these would you like to place on back-burner while I work on this new assignment?"
"This response clearly communicates a prioritized workload, alongside a willing attitude to help," she says.
4."But we've always done it that way," or, "That's not the way we do it here."
Successful people are passionate about innovation, finding a better way of doing something. In fact, Steve Jobs said, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." For this reason, effective managers value employees who demonstrate creative thinking, flexibility, and problem-solving skill, Price explains.

"These phrases, in one fell swoop, reveal you are the opposite: stuck in the past, inflexible, and closed-minded," she says. "Even if you disagree with someone's idea, say instead, 'Wow, that's an interesting idea. How would that work?' Or, 'That's a different approach.

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