In a bizarre turn of events, a village panchayat in Greater Noida has ordered that all girls belonging to Dalit communities would be “picked up” from their homes if Ms Priyanka, a Brahmin girl who had eloped with Mr Sanjay, a Dalit boy, did not return home immediately.
As a result of the panchayat diktat, Dalits in the village have started fleeing and over two dozen families have already left the village.
“We are poor and cannot prevent the panchayat from carrying out its orders since this village is dominated by a Brahmin population. To save the honour of our girls, we are leaving the village,” said a senior member of a Dalit family.
According to reports reaching here, the incident took place in Daula village in Greater Noida. Mr Sanjay and Ms Priyanka eloped on June 24 and have remained untraceable ever since.
The two fell in love while they were studying in a college in Dadri two years ago. The two completed their graduation from the college and started teaching in a private public school. They were sacked from the school when the school management came to know about their love affair and the opposition from their respective families.
On June 24, Ms Priyanka went missing and it was assumed that she had eloped with Mr Sanjay.
When the two did not return, the village panchayat ordered that all Dalit girls in the village would be “picked up” from their homes as a “revenge”.
The SP of Greater Noida, Mr S.K. Verma, said that security in the village has been beefed up to ensure the safety of Dalit families.
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