London, September 24: With modern-day fathers taking equal responsibility while raising their kids, a study says a mother’s job is still tougher than the father’s.
Modern dads get all the fun jobs such as mending toys, finding batteries and teaching children to swim, while mums are left with shopping, washing and ironing, says a study, according to express.co.uk.
Researchers asked 3,000 mums and dads to list roles they believed were either theirs or their partner’s.
A father’s jobs also include dressing the children, playing outdoors, toy assembly and teaching them to ride their bikes.
Whereas a mother’s main roles emerged as mainly domestic chores such as cooking, making packed lunches and dealing with school paperwork.
Nigel Crawford, of TheBabyWebsite.com, which ran the study, said: “Although dads pull their weight, the jobs they are assigned tend to be more fun and less of the dirty work. Interestingly, men and women have agreed that mums get the roughest deal.”
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